The Moon goddess is an enigmatic character in my book who has a talent for body-bending, which means she’s a treat to draw!
Alphabet Flash Cards
I’ve recently collaborated with Cubola Publishers in Belize to create a series of flash cards to teach schoolchildren the alphabet. Here they are!
Sounds and Letters
The "Sounds and Letters" series of books, published in Belize, is designed to teach young children how to read, through the use of short stories with accompanying illustrations. Due to their popularity across the country it was recently announced that there will be a fourth book in the series. Here's a preview of one of the illustrations for the next book, for the short story "Tapir Crossing"!
Happy International Women's Day!
Have a Baaa-py Christmas, Everyone!
Dracula Rex
I've been working on the graphics for Rex Engine, a game engine for Unity which allows you to easily make platforming games like the classics from the 8-bit era. I made this poster to promote Dracula Rex, a demo that uses Rex Engine to replicate the first level of Castlevania. Vampire-hunting is always more fun when it includes dinosaurs (as are most things!).
Illustrations for Book Three of “Sounds & Letters”
I'm busy working on the colours for some illustrations for the third book in the "Sounds and Letters" series, to help teach schoolchildren in Belize the sounds and letters of the alphabet. Here are a couple I've recently finished!
The Buttered Cat Paradox
Given that a cat always lands on its feet, and toast always lands buttered side down, then theoretically you could strap slices of toast buttered side up to the feet of the cat, and when the cat is dropped, the two opposing forces will cause it to hover in mid-air.
"Blowfish Meets Meteor" Game Trailer
Here's the over-the-top epic trailer that summarises the first game project I worked on, "Blowfish Meets Meteor", a crazy underwater-themed brick-breaker for iOS!
New Website is Up!
To celebrate here's a fish character from the video game Seafoam Empress, which I've been creating the graphics and animations for.